Monday, February 27, 2012

Are you saved?

I recently read a message by Spurgeon.  I like what he had to say about the assurance of salvation.  The world is so full of "religion" and so little spiritual reality that it would do us good to examine our hearts and lives.  It is wonderful to KNOW you are born again!

“There is a great difference between presumption and full assurance.  Full assurance is reasonable: it is based on solid ground.  Presumption takes for granted, and with bold face pronounces something to be its own to which it has no right whatever.  Beware, I pray you, of presuming that you are saved.  If with your heart you do trust in Jesus, then you are saved; but if you merely say, ‘I trust in Jesus,’ it does not save you.  If your heart is renewed, if you hate the things you once loved, and love the things that you once hated; if you have really repented; if there is a thorough change of mind in you; if you are born again, then you have reason to rejoice; but if there is no vital change, no inward godliness; if there is no love to God, no prayer, no work of the Holy Spirit, then your saying, ‘I am saved,’ is your own assertion, and it may delude, but it will not deliver you. “  (emphasis added) C.H. Spurgeon

1 comment:

Edgar Martinez said...

Queridos Hermanos en Cristo:
Desde Guatemala les envio un caluroso
abrazo, esperando que Dios les este
bendiciendo abundantemente y tambien a Felipe y familia y tambien a los hermanos Gault de Lesotho. Mi comentario es como dice en el libro de Bunyan el progreso del peregrino que la presuncion es hija del orgullo y ay! y tambien quiza hermana de la mentira, el punto es que el verdadero
Cristiano, tiene el testimonio del Espiritu Santo. Le agradezco Esteban por recomendarme el libro de A.W. Tozer he leido la persecucion Divina muy bueno y la senda marcada un poco, buenisimos que me hicieron recordar profundidades espirituales!