Sunday, March 15, 2009

Traditional Food

So many people want to know about food in other countries and different cultures. I think most people expect to hear of strange and exotic fare. Here in South Africa because of the multi-cultural influence we can enjoy a wide variety of culinary delights including American foods and drinks. (I heard this week that Mountain Dew is on sale at our local grocery store.) There are a few dishes though that are specifically South African. One of those is "potjiekos", literally translated "pot food". The photo above is potjiekos in the making. It is basically stew cooked in a big black kettle and typically served over rice. We as a family look forward to the times when we can enjoy "pot food". If your up to trying new foods come for a visit and we'll arrange for you to try potjiekos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would I ever like to have a big hot bowl of that good stuff! Love, Dad Geise