Monday, May 24, 2010

A Poem

Here is a poem we read this week that really spoke to us. It is taken from 101 More Hynm Stories, by Kenneth W. Osbeck, p. 269.  Think especially about verses 3 and 4.  What do you think?

"My God I thank Thee who hast made the earth so bright,
So full of splendor and of joy, beauty and light;
So many glorious things are here, noble and right.

"I thank Thee too, that Thou has made joy to abound,
So many gentle thoughts and deeds circling us round,
That, in the darkest spot of earth, some love is found.

"I thank Thee more, that all our joy is touched with pain,
That shadows fall on brightest hours, that thorns remain;
So that earth's bliss may be our guide, and not our chain.

"I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou has kept the best in store;
We have enough, but not too much to long for more-
A yearning for a deeper peace, not known before."

Written by:  Adelaide A. Procter


Kristin said...

I know this is off subject, but I finally got a box sent to you all a couple weeks ago, and hopefully you received it! Please let me know if you didn't.
Hope everyone is well. We miss all of you!

Johnstown Albertsons said...

Happy Anniversary to some very special people! We appreciate you and keep you in our prayers.

Emily Grace said...

I have to say, "What a gorgeous header on your blog!" Did you take that picture around there?
Looks like that baby girl is growing. And how did Titus get so big?
Janet Albertson

Stephen and Gwen Geise said...

Reply to the question above. I did take the picture near where we used to live. I actually used my cell phone. I was happy with how it turned out. Steve