Monday, May 24, 2010

A Poem

Here is a poem we read this week that really spoke to us. It is taken from 101 More Hynm Stories, by Kenneth W. Osbeck, p. 269.  Think especially about verses 3 and 4.  What do you think?

"My God I thank Thee who hast made the earth so bright,
So full of splendor and of joy, beauty and light;
So many glorious things are here, noble and right.

"I thank Thee too, that Thou has made joy to abound,
So many gentle thoughts and deeds circling us round,
That, in the darkest spot of earth, some love is found.

"I thank Thee more, that all our joy is touched with pain,
That shadows fall on brightest hours, that thorns remain;
So that earth's bliss may be our guide, and not our chain.

"I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou has kept the best in store;
We have enough, but not too much to long for more-
A yearning for a deeper peace, not known before."

Written by:  Adelaide A. Procter

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This morning

I just thought I would share a picture of Shoshanah I took this morning.  She is doing well and is taking lessons on endurance from the hands of her older brothers.  They do love her! They just have to learn to be gentle!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Titus' Second Birthday

This week Titus turned two years old. We didn't really have a birthday party for him, but since we live so close to the Uncle Johan and Aunt Hessie we decided to have supper with them and Gwen made the cake you see below. She put the cow on since Titus likes the cows we see when we travel through the country.

 Here is Titus with his South African Grandparents.  In Afrikaans they are Oupa (Grandpa) and Ouma (Grandma). 

Enjoying the baby

Shoshanah is really popular right now!   

Friday, May 7, 2010

Shoshanah Marie Geise

Monday started off with Gwen and I going to Bloemfontein for me to have two wisdom teeth surgically removed.  I rested quite a bit on Tuesday, thankfully without much pain.  Then that evening we realized it might not be long before our baby came.  Sure enough about 2am Wednesday morning we left the house to drive back to Bloemfontein for the birth of our little girl.  The hospital kept Gwen and the baby one day, although they normally keep them in for two. After getting out of the hospital we had to go by the Department of Home Affairs to get a birth certificate - no such thing as getting one in the mail. After four hours of waiting we received the certificate.  The boys are really enjoying their little sister.

When Shoshanah was born she weighed 6lbs 9oz.  She was 16 inches long. (All the boys were over twenty inches.) Gwen and Shoshanah are both doing well.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pastor Thabang

About two weeks ago I finished teaching through A Theology of Christian Counseling with Pastor Thabang.  Here he is with his certificate.  We both really learned a lot and we plan to co-teach a new class on Biblical counseling to several in our church.

Our House

Here's a picture of where we now live.  We are very thankful that the farmer is allowing us to stay here for free.