Foolishness (afrosunh)
= senselessness, recklessness. While
some would see this word used in Mark 7:23 to be equivalent to boasting, I
concur with Matthew Henry that “because it is here joined with pride; I rather
take it for that rashness in speaking and acting, which is the cause of so much
evil”. We could say that the original word is summed up in the word “rashness” (i.e.,
uncontrolled actions, attitudes, thoughts and words). It is part of sinful, human nature to live by
feelings, rather than thoughtfulness. Far too many think and act
according to their feelings, never stopping
long enough to evaluate themselves; never considering what the result will be
of their current actions. As I
mentioned before, many would see their actions, the words they speak, and the songs
they sing as silly or fun, but bearing in mind the outcome, a different light may
be cast on the things that we allow.
I’m not
talking about a long-faced, down-in-the mouth, dreary, no laughter
religion! I am blessed with friends who
are truly Christ-like, and they are some of the most joyful, content, happy
people on the planet!
What I am talking about, though, are religious people who
excuse their foolishness by saying, “Hey, God expects us to enjoy life!” But when you get to know them you realize
that “enjoying life” is an endless string of jokes, a get-together where there
is a lot of good food, uncontrolled action in order to get people to laugh, and
the list goes on….!
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
I Corinthians 3:19